For many, when they enjoy a good cigar it’s to mark an occasion that’s special or memorable. Years ago, new fathers used to give out cigars when their wife had a baby. Cigars are associated a lot of times with wealth and power and they’re created through a very delicate process, so each cigar has its own character and flavor.
This is what makes it so hard to agree on which of the cigars is the best and people who loves cigars are always going to disagree on which is the best. So instead of talking about which is the best cigar in the world, we’re going to discuss which are the most expensive cigars the world has to offer from the lowest to the highest.
10.$50 per cigar – Louixs
Created by Goldwyn Metropolitan Company, the cigars are wrapped with Rosado wrappers with a price of $50 apiece. They are large and they have a 6-inch ring. They come in boxes or individually. They’re created in Nicaragua and they have Louis XIV’s portrait on them.
Master and knowledgeable cigar makers monitor every step of the cigar’s manufacturing process and they use native Cuban taste testers and taste testers along with veteran reviewers, all of which who check each production aspect. The cigars’ flavors are lovely and carry hints of spice and cocoa and they can be enjoyed for 90 minutes before the cigar’s finished.
9.$55 per cigar – Arturo Fuente Opus X BBMF
These cigars are very well known and high in demand, and they’re very hard to find. They’re made by Arturo Fuente, who is among the world’s best known maker of cigars. Each cigar comes with BBMF on them, which is because of their seven-inch length.
If you are lucky enough to find one for sale, you’ll pay $55. However, they are really hard to find ever since they were put on the market back in 1995. A lot of people love these cigars, which makes them really high in demand and therefore hard to locate.
8. $7,500 per box – Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario
These cigars are wonderful and they were first created in 2001. However, they were released back in 2008 in Arturo Fuente’s memory. This expensive box comes with 46 cigars that are naturally wrapped along with 46 of the Maduro wraps.
The cigars’ wrapper leaves are from the famous Chateau de la Fuente, the place where these famous cigar makers began their business back in 1912. Each one of the cigars was aged for 7 years, and they’re available in sun grown and natural variety. One has a ribbon that’s red on its foot and the other has a ribbon that is black and cedar.
7. $79 per cigar – Arturo Fuente Opus X “A”
These $79 cigars are really rare and hard to find these days, hence the $79 apiece cost. They can be found individually at the most select and prestigous cigar stores in the world. They’re the biggest cigars in the line with a huge size of 9 ¼”x47. They come with a flavor that is mild and has jalapeno flavors.
The wrapper, binder and filler are all Dominican Republic produced, which is very rare. They also have the amazing Rosado wrapper that’s grown upon the amazing plantation known as Chateau de la Fuente.
6. $18,000 per box – Cohiba Behike
Cohiba’s Cuba’s most famous brand of cigar and 2006 was when the Behike was introduced. The cigar’s edition was very limited and only approximately 100 boxes were sold. The tobacco for the cigars was grown as well as blended at the El Laguito Cohiba factory. Each cigar’s ring size is 52 inches and they are 7.5 inches long.
They were first released in celebration of the cigar maker’s 40th anniversary, boxes of these cigars have gone for as much as $18,800. There were a several varieties coming from Cuba’s Vuelto and Pinar del Rio regions First released to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the fine cigar makers, the Behike cigar boxes have been sold for $18,800. They included several varieties coming from the Pinar del Rio and Vuelto regions of Cuba along with a French made humidor from Elie Blue.
5. $750 per cigar/$14,999 per box – Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve
These cigars are so rare that there’s only 100 boxes made each year and there’s pre-orders that have been filled for a few years. If you are interested in smoking one of these, you’ll have a wait. Each stick is $750 apiece or you can buy a whole box for $14,999. The size of each cigar is 7.5×52 inches.
Each Connecticut Maduro wrapper has been aged 15 years, the binder and filler are aged for 12 years in the beautiful Dominican Republic. The filler has also been infused with aromatic Louis XIII cognac. The cigars originally were sold just to dignitaries in the world and they are somewhat mild based on reviews.
4. $23,000 per box – Gurkha Black Dragon
Along with being expensive, these cigars are really rare, since they’re very limited. The cigars come in a chest that is hand carved from camel bone. Each cigar has a wrapper made from Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro, the binder is Cameroon, and the five-year aged filler is Dominican.
Each cigar’s packaged individually in a frosted tube and placed inside a leather box with orange velvet layers. The cigar’s ring size is 52 inches and the cigar’s length is 8.5 inches. The flavor is very complex which ranges from a sour flavor to a sweet flavor through the cigar’s length.
3. $4,500 per cigar – King of Denmark
This cigar got its name because only a king will be able to afford paying $4,500 for just one cigar. The best thing about these great cigars is that they’re able to be customized based on your liking, from the gold foil that you can request your name on and you can request precious metals and diamonds.
The cigars come a fancy humidor. It has a crown that is made of sterling silver on it and plated in beautiful 24k gold. The humidor is extra and has a price tag of $8,500.
2.$185,000 – Gran Habano no. 5 “El Gigante”
This is the world’s biggest cigar. The ring gauge is 1,920 and the amount of tobacco it took to make it was 1,600 pounds. It was created to be on display during trade shows and no one actually thought someone would want to purchase it.
It was thought that 40 people would be able to smoke the cigar at one time and its recommended price was $200,000. Eventually a collector purchased it for $185,000. The cigar had a carrying case made of wood and the cigar’s weight was 1,600 pounds which is the same weight as approximately 25,000 normal cigars.
1. $507,000 – Mayan Sicars – $507,000
Now we have gotten to the world’s most expensive cigar that someone ever purchased. This cigar cost the purchaser $507,000 at auction. You might be wondering why it is that the cigar was so expensive. The reason is that the cigar was at least 600 years old and found in 2012 in Guatemala.
Tampa University archaeologists discovered a pot made of clay and it was labeled sicars. It’s thought that this word is where the cigar comes from. They’re really well preserved and they can still be smoked. However, chances are no one wants to take a chance smoking this amazing part of history.
Whether you are looking for an expensive cigar or you are just interested in the history of cigars, these are the 10 most expensive cigars that you’ll ever find. The next time you are enjoying a fine cigar, think about their history and the other cigars that are out there.